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Full grip chuck jaws are for thin wall and irregular shaped parts and can be machined to suit any work piece. Our aluminum full grip chuck jaws from 6 inches to 15 inches are made from aluminum 6160 alloy extrusion so there is no porosity issues. 18 inch and larger aluminum full grip chuck jaws are made from SR319 weldable aluminum alloy. Our cast iron chuck jaws are made from F/6 weldable gray class 30 with 30,000lbs tensile strength. Our steel full grip chuck jaws are made from 1018 steel round stock. Our full grip chuck jaws come standard in many different heights and diameters, but if you cannot find the correct full grip chuck jaw in the Jaw Search tool please call us at 1-800-327-8186. One of our Jaw & Chuck Specialist will be more the happy to assist you and show you all the ways we keep the world turning.